Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Claire is very honored to share her birthday month with Grandma Rice, but we are VERY happy they don't share the same birthday day. 

 A year ago today began all the baby drama. I went in for my routine 7 month check up and was in total shock when the doctor said he was sending me to the hospital for test and if he didn't like the results I was giving birth immediately. I remember looking at him like he was crazy and telling him I was only 26 weeks and that wasn't an option. Thankfully I was able to keep Claire in 10 more days and get steroid shots to help her tiny lungs develop. It was all very scary!  Here's hoping my mom has a much less stressful birthday this year!!!!  We wish we could be there to celebrate with you :)

1 comment:

Mma said...

You ALL definitely have a great deal to celebrate this year....Happy Birthday to Grandma Rice and Claire!